Robert's House of Hamsters

Somewhere between Sacramento, the Oregon border and that tingly feeling in your toes.


Bob's Voting Recommendations #1

Well, voting's coming up, and I'm here to give recommendations on the insane amount of ballot measures in California this year. I do this for two reasons: 1) I thought you might like to hear it, and 2)There's so many freakin' things to vote about, I won't remember it otherwise.

Anyways, here's installment #1:

Proposition 59- Public Records, Open Meetings, Legislative Constitutional Amendment- Rob Sez Vote YES.

Proposition 60- Election Rights of Political Parties, Legislative Consitutional Amendment- Rob Sez Vote NO.

Proposition 60A- Surplus Property, Legislative Constitutional Amendment- Rob Sez Vote YES.

Proposition 61- Children's Hospitals Programs. Grant Program. Bond Act, Initative Statute- Rob Sez Vote YES.

Proposition 62- Elections, Primaries, Initative Constitutional Amendment and Statute- Rob Sez Vote NO.


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