Robert's House of Hamsters

Somewhere between Sacramento, the Oregon border and that tingly feeling in your toes.


Let's hear it for kind of missing the point!

So, the backlash against Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas for the hidden sex scenes in the game is coming full swing, as the company is being faced with their first lawsuit.

But, here's what I think is just as interesting as the hidden sex scene:

A woman upset that she bought the video game "Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas" for her 14-year-old grandson without knowing it contained hidden, sexually explicit scenes sued the manufacturer Wednesday on behalf of consumers nationwide.

Here's what I think is being missed: This woman bought an M-rated game for a 14-year-old! M-rated games are the equivilent of an R-rated movie. I know my grandparents wouldn't have bought me American History X or Kill Bill Vol. 1 if they knew what those movies contained.

So, I'm doubly bothered in this situation. Even though I'm a big fan of GTA3. Vice City was just a huge disappointment, and I haven't played San Andreas yet.

Somebody go and bite the sidewalk.


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