Robert's House of Hamsters

Somewhere between Sacramento, the Oregon border and that tingly feeling in your toes.


PETAphiles get dumber by the second...

It's hilarious that I'm STILL getting hate mail for that PETA column I wrote back in October. The latest:

I do not like your slandering of PETA as an organization. They have saved billions of animals..and I think you should bite your tongue..this world is full of ignorant assholes like you that do not know what the hell they are talking about..
what can you say about yourself as to what YOUVE done to change the world like PETA has?
Shame on you.
Deanna NY USA

Considering the number of rambling, incoherent Emails I've received, I changed the world by penning a column that pointed out how pointless, stupid and twisted PETA is.


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