Robert's House of Hamsters

Somewhere between Sacramento, the Oregon border and that tingly feeling in your toes.



The messages are coming in from friends concerning the break-in.

From Alli: Bob that really sucks that you're house was broken into!! Shitty deal I must say. I hope you find those assholes!!!!

From Bone: I know exactly how you feel. I remember when my house got broken into about 3 years ago. I lost more than $7,000 worth of stuff. I hope you catch those ignorant fucks.

From Cheyenne: That is really shitty man. Sorry that crap happened to you!

From Fitz: Wow, I can't believe illigitimate children are taking advantage of you like this! It is a moral outrage! The skunks should all be shaved and thrown in a petroleum jelly pit with six homosexual sumo wrestlers! Hopefully you find some fingerprints or a dropped wallet or something. Most likely not. At least remember the wisdom of tourniquet - "Where rust and moth destroy..." (Bonus points because he reminded me I need to get some Tourniquet mp3s...)

From Lindsey: Hey man, I just wanted to send some sympathy your way. Theives FUCKING SUCK!!!!! A couple of my friends over here in Eureka had their house broken into too, twice within two weeks. The second time the perpetraitors (can't spell) beat the shit out of some dude on their porch. Anyways, I just wanted to tell you that thats fucking stupid, that I hate people who steal others hard earned property, and that I'm sending good vibes to you and your roomies!!!! If ya need anything, or if I hear anything, just write me, or I'll write you.....
Anyways, sorry your year started shitty, but take some comfort in knowing that they just bought themselves some seriously shitty Karma by stealing from someone as kind and cool as you!!! And I believe very strongly in Karma, it never fails man.

So keep your head up. I'm sure the person(s) are suffering from a seriously bad bout of hemroids or herpies right now... or maybe something worse (lets hope). At least we can share in a laugh about that!!!

Alright, I gots to go, but take care man, and don't worry, things will be lookin up for you.... and down for "them"!!!

From Mason: Sorry dude. That sucks.

From Jimmy: If you ever catch those pricks, give me a call, I don't want to be left out of all of the fun.


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