Robert's House of Hamsters

Somewhere between Sacramento, the Oregon border and that tingly feeling in your toes.


Unless, of course, it's dark...


Long time, no update.

Okay, here's the deal. AT&T and I are apparently having issues, so I still don't have Internet at my house. I'm writing this during a lull at work.

So, here's my life at the moment-wrapping up a primary election. A few interesting notes:

*The printouts and Web site of the county elections office was cutting off the ends of names for candidates on election results. While this was confusing at times, at also presented one case of classic toilet humor--the lone candidate in the Republican primary for U.S. Senator, Richard Mountjoy, was abbreviated as "Richard 'Dick' Mount." I really don't want to spell it out any more than that.

*Another cool name: Democratic Senator primary candidate Martin Luther Church. He finished dead last.

*A big buzz in the newsroom was over the Democratic primary for one of the local House of Representatives seats. Pretty much everybody in the Western Hemisphere was expecting Bill Falzett to win. Falzett has been out campaigning, made an appearance on Air America radio, and was considered one of the "Fighting Dems," a block of anti-war veterans running for the House. Low and behold, Falzett loses to AJ Sekhon, an interesting guy from Yuba City. He was born in India, is Sikh, spent over two decades in the military, and suffered war injuries. He also basically did zero as far as campaigning outside his local area, yet managed to win all but two counties in the congressional district.

*As a bonus, visit the Web Site of the Liberatarian candidate for that same House seat, E. Kent Hinesley. This line is a hoot:

As of May 4 2006 the total candidate related phone calls 2. Total the number of people who thought they were calling the Sacramento Bee who were mad that they did not get their paper and were stupid enough to leave a message after hearing a message stating that it is the Kent for congress line 17

I love politics.