Robert's House of Hamsters

Somewhere between Sacramento, the Oregon border and that tingly feeling in your toes.


C? No Nuts.

CNN is an acronym for Cable News Network. Maybe it should readjust that to Crappy No-Guts Newsies (okay, not that good, and it might not even work depending on your persepctive, but I'll give it a shot.

Well, apparently the new chief executive considers Jon Stewart an expert in what should be on TV:

CNN Lets 'Crossfire' host Carlson go.

Tucker Carlson is adios from CNN, and Crossfire, after being on air for 22 years, is going to get buried in a shallow unmarked grave out back.

Heck, this new fellow in charge even agreed with me:

"I guess I come down more firmly in the Jon Stewart camp," Klien told the Associated Press.

So, the guy whose show is led-in by puppets making crank phone calls shouldn't be taken seriously as a journalist, but should be taken seriously when he criticizes journalists who are actually trying to be taken seriously. Well, maybe not their wardrobes in Carlson's case, but their work.

So, since there's all this cohorting in news coverage between CNN and Comedy Central now, should we be surprised that Carlson is the only one being given the heave-ho? If it had been Carville and Stewart going at it, don't be surprised to see the Ragin' Cajun getting a pink slip. Then again, that accent and the bald head might have saved him.

There's no overdose in commentary shows like Crossfire. It was just a little more obvious the last few months because there was a presidential election, and everyone was arguing. In all truth, as a former opinion columnist, these shows are valuable. You're getting two sides to the issue, right there, in front of your face.

If shows like Crossfire aren't valuable, then neither are opinion sections of papers. Or high school debate clubs. Journalists should just be lifeless, emotional drones who just say "this happened here."

Screw that. CNN just went downhill. Of course, what you expect to come from the mouth of a guy who used to be in charge of 60 Minutes?


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