Robert's House of Hamsters

Somewhere between Sacramento, the Oregon border and that tingly feeling in your toes.


Thanks for the kind words.

I must really send a shout-out to all these wonderful who have found my hamstercult email address since November and sent me all the valuable information on refinancing my mortgage, enlarging my penis/breasts, and opportunity to save precious Nigerian finances.

Grant Wright
Joey Rice
Andrew Hoskins
Jalyn Jamesha
Dee Andersen
Kieth Hart
Tyron Stephenson
Allison Ferris
Kelly Seymour
Dalton Coleman
Samuel Frey
Vonda Denton
Ferdinand Wilkinson
Isabella Galloway
Emerson Jennings
Cameron Dodge
Betty Branch
Kenton Cahill
Clifton Nadeau
Margarito Munson
Wilford Sadler
Russell Knutson
Jordan Hatfield
Merle Connor
Ebony Everett
Francisco Rosa
Solomon Lowry
Rick Westbrook
Rosemarie Flanigan
Odis Holley
Agnes Sheffield
Flora Fitzpatrick
Dwight Bernal
Rafael Lay
Rosemary Herndon
Debbie Wilkins
Joan Baxter
Jody Sullivan
Melisa Meyers
Elena Clemons
Nicolas Maxwell
Katherine Mays
Thaddeus Estes
Alma Patterson
Hung Thomas
Danny Mccoy
Nona Blanton
Lakeisha Cullen
Tori Savage
Carol Jones
Alec Champion
Forest Dunbar
Liam Howard
Hilary Adams
Yakuba Mussa
Adrian Roberts
Nicolas Cage
Reginald Peters
Kevin Spacey Fowler
Michael Phillips
Kodila Julien
Emanuel Hernandez
Martha West
Jennifer Hathaway
Christian Rivera
Maureen Atta
Maurice Parker
Vici Lugo
Tori Kaplan
Ingrid Kantor
Trevor Phillips
Derrick Ward
Alsheikh Rahman
Diane Bolden
Ariel Hood
Sal Thorpe
Rolland Walton
Francisco Grayson
Joesph Keen
Laverne Lynn
Millicent Frank
Charley Moreno
Casey Carlisle
Mary Honeycutt
Rodolfo Elfmore
Russ Tidwell
Deloris Goss
Kenya Bartlett
Robin Stover
Armando Steele
Merrill Hager
Myles Gibbons
Becky Daly
Drew Tatum
Jared Sparks
Ashlee Dowdy
Dr. Robert Sanchez


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