Robert's House of Hamsters

Somewhere between Sacramento, the Oregon border and that tingly feeling in your toes.


International Superhit!

When I checked my web traffic for my blog this morning, I was stunned to discover a very interesting details.

Sure, there were the usual cities on there (Medford, Sacramento, Bronx, Chico, etc.) but there were quite a few international locales as well:

*Bratislava, Slovakia
*Perth, Australia (normally, its Melbourne)
*Yokohama, Japan
*London, England
*Sheffield, England

Now, there's one more, and it's kind of freaky: Sharjah, United Arab Emirates. More specifically, from the Sharjah Department of Culture and Information.

What does the UAE want with me? Considering the country's reputation for treatment of foreign workers, I hoping it's not a job offer. You'll never take me alive!


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