Some things are better left being said by others...
KevCo had this very interesting look on liberal philosophy...
So this week I drove down to Sacramento. "Why?" you ask. Well, the woman who has had the last three children that we've adopted had another one. And well, since my parents don't want to break up the family, we're stepping in the take another. Well, actually, my sister in law and my brother have stepped up. But, there is a problem. My family all lives in Oregon now, which is a problem since the intrastate and interstate laws concerning these things are complicated. So, we're waiting on the state of Oregon to accept the case and all of the parties involved in Sacramento to agree to the change of venue.Definitly should at least make you think.
It must be noted that this child, just like the previous kids, was born positive to meth in his system. Thus, the state stepped in and took the kid, the mother released, and the legal battle begins. So, here is my rant...
Why is it that if Scott Peterson were to kill his wife and unborn child does he get convicted for killing an unborn child? I mean, if you do drugs and mess up your baby, you cannot be charged in the state of California because "you've really done nothing wrong." What the fuck (pardon my french, but i feel this word is most definately needed) is going on here. If you are the mother, you are allowed to choose if your baby lives, dies, is born addicted to drugs, is healthy, or whatever. But if you are the father, you get the death penalty for doing what mothers do every frickin day (scott peterson trial reference). Ok, I'm being sarcastic, but really, why aren't these drug addicted mothers not arrested on the spot when the babies test results come back positive to drugs? It's because of the liberal democrats. They have taken such a strong line in a "woman's right to choose" and "the government can't tell me what i can do with my own body" that we now make it perfectly legal for a woman to abort, drink, do drugs, smoke, or whatever to their kid while in the womb. Why do unborn babies have rights at some times but not at others?
It all just pisses me off. These people don't learn. This is this woman's seventh child. The oldest 2 live with their father. The next oldest was carted away and adopted by some woman. The next 3 are sleeping in the room next to me. And this final one is sitting in a transition house awaiting some judge's decision as to where he will go. You know, if this kid would have popped himself out a week or two sooner, I could have stepped in and taken the child, without all of the hassle that my family is going through now. But, I gave up my apartment and really don't have an address in California anymore. But I guess it's for my own best, I don't want to deal with kids right now, which is why I make sure that my shit is covered up.
At 11:59 PM,
JesusFreak84 said…
Even just imagine what that child's first days/weeks/months of life are like. They're born already addicted to this drug, and are now going through withdrawl. Think how hard it is for adults, and adults at least have coping mechanizsms. The poor baby is all alone in her suffering, unable to do anything more than cry. ;_;
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