Robert's House of Hamsters

Somewhere between Sacramento, the Oregon border and that tingly feeling in your toes.


Pure disappointment

I was supposed to go to Petaluma this weekend to visit an old friend. But due to my inevitable absent-mindedness to plan ahead, I had to cancel.

Note to self: Check to see if local university is moving in freshman. If so, get your hotel room several days in advance.

I'm really frustrated because this is all my fault. Not work for postponing my day off for a week. Not anybody's fault but mine.

What makes it even more frustrating is that I've been trying to work out a visit with this friend for the past three years. He's in the Coast Guard, so opportunities have to be taken when they're available. Since he's at the Training Center in Petaluma, this is best chance yet.

And now it's been postponed -- again.

It's odd. I can read through hundreds of pages of governmentese and find story ideas. I can dig through Department of Labor Forms to link $50,000 in cash to political advertising. But I can't work out a three-hour trip. What kind of talent distribution is that?

It's everybody around me that suffers because of it.


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