Robert's House of Hamsters

Somewhere between Sacramento, the Oregon border and that tingly feeling in your toes.



This incredible image of the hottest human being on the planet was taken with the camera on my new phone.

That's right folks, today I marched right into Verizon Wireless and renewed my account, and with it, upgraded to the LG VX8300.

I was seriously considering going with a Motorola Razr, but decided not to because it's width won't fit into most of the secondary pockets of my jean shorts, I was really happy with my old LG phone and Adam had already gotten a Razr.

So I now have my first camera/camcorder phone -- or as my old friend John Milleson would probably note, yet another way to collect blackmail. I'm kidding.

But I've now discovered that there some time to be consumed in purchasing a new phone -- primarily from reprogramming numbers. That alone can make somebody a texting expert. Ai yi yi.

I'm still learning everything that is on this phone. Should be fun.


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