Robert's House of Hamsters

Somewhere between Sacramento, the Oregon border and that tingly feeling in your toes.



Apartments are great, but apartments with food are better.

I did bring down a few dry goods from Chico—mostly cans of chili/soup and boxes of Rice-A-Roni and Hamburger Helper.

Small problem, though—my apartment is supposed to be getting a built-in microwave installed and, for some reason, my stove is not connected to electric power, likely for that reason.

So, even though I had food, I had no way to cook most of it, or effectively boil water. A trip to WinCo was on the way.

For those unfamiliar with WinCo, it’s a West Coast chain of large grocery stores (interestingly enough, the letters in WinCo are the first letters of the states they’re in—Washington, Idaho, Nevada, California and Oregon. Thanks, Wikipedia!)

I was first exposed to the WinCo in Medford, liked it and wound up shopping there for pretty much the whole time I lived in Chico. By luck, there’s also a WinCo in Yuba City.

At the moment, the Yuba City WinCo is throwing me for a loop. You see, it’s set up identical to the WinCo in Chico—except everything is in reverse.

No joke, similar to the letter, but backwards. General flow of traffic is counter-clockwise rather than clockwise. I just felt wrong.

I also began to create a list of food items I’m going to miss from Chico:

1) $5 six-packs of Sierra Nevada.
2) Basque Norte marinade
3) Cheaper booze in general.
4) Thai food—you’re the man, Simon!

I’ll probably add to the list as time goes on.

Even with the trip, my food options were limited…you know, no stove. So I wound up buying a package of pre-formed hamburger and cooking them all on my George Foreman grill. That should be good for a few days, whenever they’re supposed to get in and get the damn stove taken care of.

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