As the 32nd anniversary of the Roe v. Wade decision passed with people staring rebuke, ridicule, and torment in the face for their beliefs, I find myself ready to say I am ashamed to be part of the media, if that hasn't happened already.
So, knowing several people who would be part of marches on both the West and East Coasts, I wanted to see what my fellow folks in the press would have to report on the media.
But, pulling the AP Wire and making headlines on Yahoo! News, I find stories with leads like this:
Activists on both sides of the abortion issue marched in demonstrations across the country Saturday.
Yeah, that's unbiased. I guarantee that today, the anti-aborts significantly outnumbered the pro-aborts (as might even be the case nationwide today, even though this is not the case in the newspaper newsrooms. And that's something I have firsthand experience with.) Yet, the AP finds it totally appropriate to send a story out on the newswires that will give both sides of the issue equal time in this situation, yet when I hunted down info for the story on the big pro-abortion rally last year, the only mention of opposition I could find involved somebody throwing eggs filled with ink. Of course, situations where I could find evidence of pro-abortion activists attacking anti-abortions somehow magically find themselves void of the newspaper pages, although anybody with a pulse know these events are happenig. We'll have to wait until actual participants get back from the March for Life until we hear these stories. And, of course, you won't see them on the pages of your local newspaper page.
Of course, a major quotation in the primary story on the AP wire is given to none other than Jatrice Mariel Gaiter, the president of Planned Parenthood of Metropolitan Washington, where she enlightens the populace with words such as
"These are people who love fetuses but hate children."
Wonderful, Ms. (you all love to be called Ms.) Gaiter. This is evidentially based on the fact that we support the abolishment of abortion (damn right) but that abortion rights advocates do nothing to support adoption, foster care and other program designed to aid unwanted pregnancies.
Well, Ms. Gaiter, I'll withhold the much stronger words I have planned for you, and instead with this:
Unfortunatly, I wasn't able to attend the rally. I was busy helping move furniture for my grandparents, both in their 80's, who are moving into a new home in Redding. But, after that, I saw my cousin, 20 years my elder, playing with his children. His adopted children. His adopted children, which he and his wife had to fight for custodial rights from their drug addict mother. Ryan came up to me with a teddy bear, and I made the teddy bear walk upright. One of the highlights of my day.
Sorry I'm in college and am unable to give an unwanted child the time and care it deserves, Ms. Gaiter. Guess you can hold one point against me. Maybe two, since evidentially the foster care Patrick and Kelly and all the prayers I gave them for Ryan and Christina didn't mean jack, either.
While we're at it, I'm sorry I voted against totally unethical embryonic stem cell research in this election. I'm sorry I saw the possibility of life being created only to be totally destroyed for some sort of medical benefit that has been totally unproven for an insane amount of time while totally ethical research has produced infinite times more beneficial research in the same time period.
So, once again, Ms. Gaither, sorry I do nothing and know nothing to help with abortion alternatives.