Robert's House of Hamsters

Somewhere between Sacramento, the Oregon border and that tingly feeling in your toes.


One of those weird moments...

You know those people that are convinced they have every bad medical condition on the planet?

Well, I can be that person sometimes. But this time around, it might actually be serious.

A week or so ago, one of the other writers at The Post did a piece on autism. So one night I was dabbling around on the Internet and came across the Wikipedia page for Asperger syndrome.

Now, there's looking through symptoms of a neurological disorder and going "hmm, I kind of do that, that a bit, too" sort of like when you read a description of your zodiac symbol.

But reading the characteristics of AS was just about like reading a damn autobiography.

Continuing on, I found the page for high-functioning autism, which is basically Asperger's as well. Another autobiography.

This portion stuck out at me:

There is a high correlation between HFA characteristics and those described in the Myers-Briggs INTP profile [1] description. Another theory states that Asperger's correlates to the INTJ personality type, whereas HFA correlates to the INFJ personality type.

I've taken the Myers-Briggs a couple of times in the past. Guess what I am?

Then I found the Austism-Specturm Quotent test, developed by psychologists at Cambridge. This claim is attached:

In the first major trial using the test, the average score in the control group was 16.4. Eighty percent of those diagnosed with autism or a related disorder scored 32 or higher.

I scored a 30.

I don't really consider this creepy, since I don't think of autism as "creepy" I just wonder if there's something to this.


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